sitagri european durum wheat index (SEDWI)
SEDWI, an index designed for
the European durum wheat market.
As an index administrator under the Benchmark Regulation to the European Parliament (ESMA), we publish analysis, physical prices and indicators that will help you confidently create value, to meet the coverage challenges of the agricultural sector.
Since 11 January 2021, the Euronext financial contract without delivery is live. As a professional in the durum wheat industry, you now have a tool to hedge your position.
SEDWI is used as the underlying contract of the Euronext durum wheat cash-settled contract:
Prices & specs here
Sitagri durum wheat index is a daily synthetic benchmark which represents 6 references from France and Italy:
- France: DAP Port-La-Nouvelle, DAP Rouen and DAP La Pallice
- Italy: DAP Bologna, DAP Altamura and EXW Foggia
Data refreshed daily at 6PM CET

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and get access to Sitagri European Durum wheat Index and to a global exclusif durum wheat content.
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sitagri durum wheat package
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_- Sample data for the 29/03/2023 -_
SEDWI Methodology
SEDWI Calendar
Sitagri Index Services holiday calendar
Monday 1st January (New Year’s day)
Monday 1st April (Easter Monday)
Thursday 25th April (Liberation day, Italy)
Wednesday 1st May (Labour day)
Wednesday 8th May (Armistice day, France)
Thursday 15th August (Assumption)
Friday 1st November (All Saints’ Day)
Wednesday 25th December (Christmas day)
Thursday 26 December (Stephen’s Day/Boxing Day)
Sitagri European Durum Wheat Index (SEDWI) is a product of FinanceAgri, a registered benchmark administrator ( n° BMR2020001187 ) under art. 34 of the “Benchmark” regulation ((EU) 2016/1011), authorized and regulated by the French authorities

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